On July 1, Anne Kadet of the Wall Street Journal was a lovely guest in Naughty or Nice: NYC Santas Interview a WSJ Reporter. The virtual talk included phrases we need to be aware of, including “off the record.” This phrase means nothing. Be smart when using it or when hearing it from a member of the press. She also talked us through her process of finding and pitching stories.
In the past, Anne has interviewed several New York City Santas, including Glen Heroy, Maura McMahon O’Meara, and Ann Votaw.
To protect privacy, we did not record the session. Afterwards, we Santas had a nice chat about how Christmas is looking around the country. Radio City has cancelled its show for the first time ever since the 1930s.
To see a video of Santas ho-ho-ho-ing for a reporter, click here.
Gary Dreifus, Vice President of the New York City Santas, presented "Does Santa NEED Magic,” a virtual talk that reflected his more than 35 years of experience as a magician. Gary is also producer of Magic at Coney!!, a variety show highlighting world-class magicians that now runs every Saturday at 1 PM.
On August 2, we looked at whether or not Santa needs magic. This hour-long Zoom discussion, led by club vice president Gary Dreifus, examined appropriate holiday “effects” — don’t use the word “tricks” — like Murphy’s Magic Haunted Key or the Haunted Key Deluxe. Rather than card tricks that deflect from your wholesome character and “diffuse your brand,” select effects that tell a story about the North Pole.
For tree lightings and close-up encounters with children, Gary — and several Santas — recommends D’lite Light Up Magic Thumbs.
Gary, top left, was the presenter of the Aug. 2 talk, “Does Santa NEED Magic?”