Posts tagged sanitizers
Smile, You're On Zoom with the New IBRBS Chapter of NYC Santas

Press Release


APRIL 4, 2020, NEW YORK CITY—Once 17 Santas figured out how to mute and unmute themselves on Zoom, they took turns introducing themselves and talking about their favorite quarantine snacks from Amish fare to tacos.

In Santa-speak, this “icebreaker” helped participants learn about Zoom, a digital platform made popular during the COVID-19 outbreak. The activity was also an act of solidarity showing that the corona virus affects all of us, throughout the world and our country.

Sponsored by the New York City Santas, a new chapter of the International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas (IBRBS), the coffee talk welcomed other members outside of the tri-state area of NYC, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

As George McTyre, the new secretary stated, crowded venues may cancel or modify events. Malls will also change policies. Among Santas themselves, health issues make networking even more valuable in case any of them would ever become ill and need a substitute. Santas everywhere should take note and plan for changes in the upcoming 2020 season, he said.

Howie Bristow (MA), representing the North East region of IBRBS, and Deanna Golden (AZ), international secretary, spoke briefly during the call. The ISC-Atlanta has been rescheduled until Labor Day weekend, they said. Deanna also brought up IBRBS’ eight $250 scholarships and the extended application deadline. Future IBRBS programs will include panel discussions with various experts.

The general consensus is that most Santas will rely on technology to avoid spreading the coronavirus. Gary Dreifus, VP of the NYC Santas, has already turned to virtual magic classes. 

During the call, other Santas showed their backgrounds and discussed proper lighting, a must for the best presentation.

Other problem-solving ideas included six feet of space between guests in lines. As for give-aways, what about little bottles of “Santa-tizer,” made by North Pole elves? Santa David Mills of Staten Island, for example, uses sanitizers in the form of a pen. BRILLIANT!

The next discussion will most likely break down the concept of a “green screen.” Stay tuned and please like NYC Santas on Facebook and Instagram. To join our mailing list, email

Attached: Santa Health During COVID-19 Slide Show, the spring 2020 issue of the IBRBS newsletter.

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